New Hampshire Geology New Hampshire Bedrock Map

Teacher Resources

Lesson Plans/Activities

What Does the Timeline Really Look Like? Plotting Geologic Events on a Timeline

Web Sites

General Sites

Geologic Web Sites
This site from the Department of Geology and Environmental Science at James Madison University has tutorials on minerals, rocks, plate tectonics, and the geologic evolution of Virginia and the Mid-Atlantic states.

Geology Link
This companion site to a Houghton Mifflin college text on geology features sections on geologic events of the day, geology on the news, and links to a wide variety of geology resources nicely organized by topic.

National Geophysical Data Center
You will find geophysical data and resources describing the sea floor, solid earth, and solar-terrestrial environment, including Earth observations from space at this site from NOAA .

Astrogeology Research Program
Learn about the research being done to explore geology beyond the Earth.

Geology Rocks
This site from Great Britian has tutorials, images, games, and forums.

US Geological Survey: Geology
You will find a wealth of resources on geology here including interactive maps, data, reseach news, and more. This site provides link to programs with in the agency. Be sure to check for student and teacher resoures as you explore.

US Geological Survey Learning Web
You will find resources for teachers and students here, including lesson plans and activities, sub-web sites on rocks, natural hazards, and natural resources. You can ask a geologist a question, explore careers in science, and lots more.


The Earth from Space
View images of the Earth taken during NASA missions. You can search for images by city, landscape feature, or weather. This site is part of a larger NASA collection of 400,000 photos, Astronaut Photography of Earth , that features photographs taken from 1961 to today.

Visible Earth
Meteor craters, the fall colors in New England, and glaciers. Get a birds-eye view of these and other features of the Earth at this site from NASA.

Earth Science Picture of the Day
The title says it all. View a different earth science based photo, imagery, graphic, or artwork everyday. You can browse the archives back to September 2000.


Volcano Live
Talk about hot sites! This site from Australian Volcanologist John Seach has volcano news, images, facts, webcams, images and lots more! If it has anything to do with volcanoes, you'll find it here! There is even a section for kids with lesson plans, facts, and more.

Volcano World
Everything you need to know about volcanos can be found here! You can track current erruptions, find out what happened today in Volcano History, locate volcanos around the world and lots more. The site has special sections for teachers and students.

FEMA for Kids
You'll find sections on earthquakes and volcanos at this site from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.


Paleomap Project
This site features maps to illustrate the plate tectonic development of the ocean basins and continents, as well as the changing distribution of land and sea during the past 1100 million years.

National Atlas of the United States
You can create a wide-varitey of demographic, economic, socialogical, geological, biological, and political maps. You can also explore the geology of the United States with an interactive topographical map.

Geological Timeline/Plate Tectonics

The Geological Time Machine
Take a trip through the geologic timeline at this site from the University of California, Berkeley Museum of Paleontology.

Playing with Time
This site features time-lapse movies of everything from the blink of an eye (5/10th of a second) to the creation of today's continents from the single land mass Pangaea (240 million years). When you've finished viewing the movies go to the activities center to sequence events in time! If you want to learn how to create your own time-lapse images, visit the toolkit section.

Earth Like a Puzzle
Learn how plate tectonics shaped and is shaping the Earth at this site from the Scripps Institute of Oceanography.

Classroom of the Future
Learn about plate tectonics and the geologic timeline at this site from Wheeling Jesuit University and NASA Classroom of the Future.

Rocks and Minerals

Field Guide to Minerals
This site from the San Diego Natural History Museum has illustrated guides to minerals, games, and more.