New Hampshire Geology New Hampshire Bedrock Map

rock on title

Old Man in the Mountain Madison Boulder
Mt. Chocorua Mt. Washington

Photo credit: Daniel E. Reidy    

This site is authored by the 2003/2004 Christa McAulifffe Sabbatical Fellow Daniel E. Reidy of Center Sandwich, NH and currently teaching at the Inter-Lakes School District in Meredith, NH. in the same building as 2009/2010 Sabbatical Fellow Denise Read. Though the web site got its start back in 2003, it is still a work in progress, with updates and additions continually being made. If you notice errors or dead links, please email me by clicking on my name above. This site was put together with significant assistance from Lee Wilder, Educational Outreach Coordinator of the New Hampshire Geological Survey; Susan Adams of NewHampshire Public Television; Diane Hanley, geologist extraordinaire, and Professsors Warren Tonkiewicz and Mark Turski of Plymouth State University. The Christa McAuliffe Sabbatical Fellowship is administered by the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation.

Resources for NH Geology

 (This web site does not benefit from the sales of these items.  This is, by no means, a complete list of possible resources.  However, they were helpful to the author of this site and, it is assumed, they may be helpful to you as well.)  




surficial map of presidential range roadside geology of vermont and new hampshire

The Geology of New Hampshire's White Mountains

by J. Dykstra Eusden, Woodrow B. Thompson, Brian K. Fowler, P. Thom Davis, Wallace A. Bothner, Richard A. Boisvert, John W. Casey

A Time Before New Hampshire

by Michael Caduto

(Map) Surficial Geology of Mount Washington and The Presidential Range, New Hampshire 2010

by Brian K. Fowler

The Roadside Geology of Vermont and New Hampshire

by Bradford B. Van Diver


Contact Dan Reidy